What is the meaning of Light? Concept, Definition of Light

Definition of light

Here you will find one or more meanings in your language for the word or expression: light. As well as definitions of the pages of Wikipedia and other websites related to the word light and, of course, synonym of light with appropriate related images with the use of the term light.

1. Concept of light

All electromagnetic radiation which has the capacity to propagate through vacuum and that is perceived by the human eye, is called light. He is this time of a term from the latin lux. Now, from the field of physics, this word is used in a more comprehensive manner and it includes the whole range of radiation which is known as electromagnetic aspect. But throughout history there have been many disciplines that have been studying this phenomenon, some years optics has become the area that examines not only the main ways to produce light, but also its applications and control.
As well, as we mentioned, have been conducted many studies about the light. For example, with them have been demonstrate that it has a finite speed. Indeed, his first successful measurement an astronomer did it in 1676, Ole Roemer. Currently, the value which is accepted as accurate for its speed in a vacuum is 299,792,458 m/s. Its speed spreading through matter is lower that by means of vacuum and becomes dependent on the dielectric properties of medium and light energy.
But beyond its strictly scientific explanations, the word that this time brings us also has other meanings. For example, many times often it is linked to the enlightenment or clarity of the intelligence. In this sense, it is not strange to hear that any parent comment: my son is a light, he started to walk just before the year and before the age of four learned how to recognise the letters. For its part, to 18th-century it's considered as the lights, since in it the illuminated was precisely the thought of the human being, which had gotten out of the so-called medieval obscurantism, in which there was virtually no free thought.

Synonym of light

Always taking into account both its meanings and the context in which they are used, we can use these synonyms: irradiation, emission, brightness, luminaire, clarity, glow, luminescence, glare and Flash among others.

2 Meaning of light

Light is a form of radiant electromagnetic energy that this condition can be perceived by the human eye without any problem. Obviously, for a few centuries ago, different scientists or people simply interested in the study of matter are dealing with the study of this phenomenon of light, however, since its creation a few years ago, is the optics the discipline that deals with the study of the principal ways of producing light, control and applications.
Visibility from our eyes to that, like all electromagnetic waves, light is characterized by a phenomenon called wavelength, whereby their pulses are separated by a distance that is incredibly low, because it is measured in nanometers. When minor is wavelength, higher is that wave power. The light visible to the human eye has a wavelength between 400 and 750 nanometers, approximately, being the blue light of shorter length. In this band of values, it is possible to stimulation of the cells of the retina that translates this impact of light in the form of neural impulses, and for our brain, in images of what surrounds us.
Also, of all the works that have been made throughout history for further details, it is known that light has a finite speed, whose exact value in vacuum for example is 299,792,458 m/s. Now, this figure if its deployment is through vacuum, meanwhile, when it must travel through matter, speed will be lower. This property makes it the fastest phenomenon in the known universe, by which all existing speeds are calculated as relative to the speed of light, this defined by Einstein in his theory of relativity.
One of the most characteristic phenomena that stars in the light's refraction, which is one that occurs when the light changes of environment, producing a sudden change in the direction of this. This can be explained because light propagates at different speeds according to the means whereby he plays to travel, then, the change of address will be more important the greater the change of speed, being that the light always prefers travel long distances by those means which involve a faster speed. Some of the most common examples commonly used so that everyone take account and visually understand this phenomenon of refraction is the apparent rupture may be seen when inserting a pencil in water or arc iris.
On the other hand, we find that light is almost always propagated in a straight line; This same check for example when in an environment that was still not cleaned straight dust particles. Meanwhile, when the light is on his way with an object either emerge what is known as shadows. But, when at the beginning of the paragraph said almost in a straight line, it has to do with that this is not always so, since when light passes through a narrow opening or a pointed body, the light beam will curve losing straight direction before we said. This last known as diffraction phenomenon.
These features are attributed to the fact of the dual behavior of light. On the one hand, it is undoubtedly of a wave with phenomena of reflection and refraction. However, the curvature which adopts the wavelength of light in certain contexts has prompted numerous investigations by which be deduced that light is composed of particles other than the of the subject, which have been called photons. Although it may seem paradoxical, the light is therefore at the same time a corpuscular phenomenon (composed of elements defined and tangible) and an energy phenomenon. Those photons are the particles captured by the retina of the eyes of the animals or the molecules of chlorophyll in plants that perform the processes of photosynthesis. In this way, the simple light that illuminates our daily work is actually a very complex reality that modern physics still has not managed to define completely.

3. Definition of light

Light is a form of energy that allows us to see what surrounds us. It is all electromagnetic radiation that propagates in waveforms in any space, it is capable of travel through the vacuum at a speed of approximately 300,000 kilometers per second. The light also is known as light energy.
There are different sources of light that can be classified into natural and artificial. The Sun is the main natural and important source of light on the ground. On artificial sources I would be talking electric light from a light bulb, the light of a candle, lamp oil, among others.
Light is emitted from its sources in a straight line and in all directions, and spreads in one growing surface as it progresses. If something in your way bothering you a shadow is formed at the site where nothing but light; for example, in the opaque bodies, light tends to pass easily through glass or water.
Like all waves, light experiences the phenomena of reflection and refraction. The reflection of light is the change that experience light Ray when it affects the surface of separation of two different media without abandoning the means by which it spreads. Mirrors reflect light in a normal manner, the light bounces off the same way coming and as a result you can see an image in the mirror.
The refraction of light is the change of direction of a ray of light when passing from one medium to another of different density, through which it travels at different speeds. The lenses are glass pieces working refracting light.
The light has an important effect for all, thank you she can see objects, our partners, signs and symbols, among other things. Light can do to change the properties of the bodies; for example, a sheet of white paper to exhibit at a certain time in the light of the Sun, turns yellowish.
Light allows plants and animals to develop processes for energy, human beings, in addition, we have learned to use it to achieve a better way of life, we use it to heat our homes, Cook, etc.